Academician Claudio Antonia Klaus JuNior ,Participant of 10 th Winter School gave an interview to local UNIARP news Portal and to site of Alto Vale do Rio do Peixe University in Brasil

Academician Cláudio Antônio Klaus Júnior, from the UNIARP Law course, participated in the 10th Winter School of Multiculturalism in Baku, Azerbaijan. Together with young people from 25 other nations, the UNIARP student learned about the multiculturalism model of that country with a focus on local legislation.

With the participation in this event, Cláudio Klaus became a member of the “Club of Young Friends of Azerbaijan”, a public, non-profit organization created by the initiative of young friends of Azerbaijan abroad, which brings together people from different countries of the world. The club's goal is to bring together stakeholders in Azerbaijan, sharing knowledge and information about the country.

Since the Azerbaijan Embassy was established in Brasilia in 2012, the country's influence has been a topic of most frequent studies for Brazilian diplomacy. During his stay in Azerbaijan, Cláudio was able to visit the Brazilian Embassy and meet the ambassador, Dr. Manuel AC Montenegro L. da Cruz.

Azerbaijan has a strong multiculturalism

Azerbaijan has a strong multiculturalism, as the country is marked by diversity and the coexistence of different religions and nationalities and is a reference for a global model of peaceful coexistence. Azerbaijans believe that multiculturalism is the only means of development for humanity in the future, because in the age of globalization, the need for global integration is a huge differentiator for any nation.

Thus, the event in Baku was marked by various knowledge activities on local culture and customs, which began with lectures by local teachers, government leaders and dignitaries and culminated in several tours to understand in practice what was presented during the lectures.

Beyond the tourist spots, the participants of the event had the opportunity to visit the churches, synagogues and mosques.

The name "Azerbaijan" comes from the ancient Persian name Aturpatakan and can be translated as "a place where sacred fire is preserved". From this explanation, therefore, the idea of ​​balancing religiosity in a multicultural perspective arises.

Azerbaijan culture has absorbed the best traditions of the East and the West. The immense impact on Azerbaijan's cultural development is a consequence of Persian and Turkish influences. These influences have shaped the modern state of that country and this is particularly evident in literature and music. Azerbaijan is currently considered the first democratic Muslim country in the world, the country is a secular state and doesn't have an official religions. Azerbaijan has and preserves religious freedom as one of their national values. 

A curiosity: Azerbaijan, was the scene of the victory of the Brazilian athlete Luiz Henrique Caetano, known as “Gafanhoto”, in the World Capoeira Championship of 2018.